Rediscover harmony between body and mind
Yoga courses table
Vedic Chanting
Yoga Sutra
Special Workshops
Yoga Therapy
The yoga
Some of the significant highlights of the teaching are the following :
The entire range of yoga’s tools is utilized in a practical and experiential manner in individual settings, personalized yoga programs are evolved for therapy or general needs group classes are taught with a specific focus that provides individual attention and care Yoga Therapy utilizes an integrative approach that is complementary to other healing modalities. The teachers/therapists are constantly growing and learning through mentoring, personal practice and continuing education programs.
He most common tools used in this tradition include postures (asana), breath regulation (pranayama), meditation (dhyana), dietary recommendations (ahara niyama), lifestyle suggestions (vihara niyama), chanting (mantra), visualizations / affirmations (bhavana), gestures (mudra), and guided self-inquiry (svadhyaya).
The Objectives of teachings include :
- Increasing awareness of Yoga and its many applications especially in the domains of Health, Healing and Spiritual Transformation.
- Promoting and sharing Yoga as a complimentary therapeutic approach both in one to one settings, as well as in specialized focused groups.
- Offering Training programs of the highest standards in Yoga and Yoga therapy.
- Collaborating with other modalities of healing to facilitate integrative paradigms in healing.
- Creating and sharing educational resources that support the understanding and study of Yoga.
- Supporting the network of Yoga teachers and therapist through continuing education. Initiating Research studies to evaluate the
- role of Yoga in contemporary health care.
Yoga courses table
Individual course by appointment at home or in Center
- Group classes : Rs 600/person
(min 5 persons) - Private classes : 2000/ class at Domicile
Yoganantam Center
Vasant Vihar, New Delhi
Vedic Chanting
The precious process of Vedic chanting or ‘Adhyayanam’ is preserved till this very day through a long lineage of oral transmission between teacher and student. For much of its history it was reserved to the male orthodox community of India. However, in the late part of the twenty first century, the legendary master T Krishnamacharya threw open the doors of Vedic chanting to everyone with a strong belief that anyone who is sincerely interested must benefit from it. Thanks to him this unique art has become accessible to many ardent practitioners engaged in a spiritual journey.
Brahma is understood to be the source and Creator of all beings. He is the Vedas personified and is also known as the ‘Lord of speech and sound’. Sabda Brahma is a Vedic Chanting intensive that will include chants from the Brahmanandavalli section of the Taittiriya Upanisad, Narayana Suktam, etc. It provides chant practitioners and teachers a platform for continuous education and gain deeper knowledge in Vedic Chanting. Participants of this two week program will be taught by senior and experienced faculty. The Gayatri mantra is considered to be the crystallization of the entire Vedic compendium of hymns. It is one of the central mantra-s in any Vedic ritual and is believed to be one of the most potent of the Vedic mantra.
Vedic Chanting is the correct and only method of chanting the Vedas—the repositories of ancient Indian texts and scriptures. Transmitted orally from teacher to student over millennia, the chanting of the Vedas is bound by strict rules that have remained unchanged since the beginning.
It is in this strict, unbroken line of transmission that can potentially take the chanter to the core of his or her being and towards the source of this ancient wisdom. The wisdom does not lie alone in the word or the content alone but in the combination of thought and experience. This experience lies in mindfully attending on both the meaning and the prescribed method of chanting: the measure, the cadence, the correct enunciation, the grammatical formation and most importantly the subtle modulation of breath that is integral to it. In fact Vedic chanting is in itself a complete mode of pranayama and is said to change the physical chemistry of the body.
Vedic Chanting for Children
Considering that children have short attention span and are unable to attend upon the subtleties of breath required in pranayama, Vedic chanting is particularly suitable for children; in fact being the traditional mode of education it was/is intended and designed specially for children. Precise and highly prescribed methods of chanting mantras modulate and challenge the breath plus strengthen the body, spine and posture; the various manners of chanting (samhita, pada, krama, jata, and ghanam) involve various permutations and combinations of sound patterns which are meant to serve as “mental gymnastics” and therefore geared to sharpen the mind and improve memory. Above all Vedic chanting equips the child for life with the precise skill and ability to evoke the magical circle of mantra at will.
Yoga Sutra
The yoga sutra-s are considered the most authoritative of classical text on yoga. Authored by sage Patanjali, this work presents all the concepts of yoga in 195 aphorisms. Patanjali’s work is fundamentally a very practical guide to the purpose, meaning and objective of our lives as human beings. Patanjali presents the mind as both the source of and the solution to all our difficulties and shows us the means by which we can rise above our baser instincts and progressively refine the mind so that it achieves and sustains its highest possible potential.
Such is the respect given to this work that all great yogi-s acknowledged this work when they presented their own teaching. There is a popular saying that « what is not mentioned in the yoga sutra-s is either not yoga, or probably not important at all ». An understanding of the yoga sutra-s is necessary for any serious student of yoga. To help the many yoga enthusiasts of the modern world, we would like to share the teachings of the yoga sutra through this.
Special Workshops
Spine and flexibility workshop
One of the important factor in maintaining a healthy body is a flexible spine.The Yogis say that youth is determine by The flexibility of your Spine. Make your Spine suppler and find a gentler way to move from one posture to another.
Hip flexibility workshop
The hips can become very tight and stiff, especially as we age, and this can lead to injury.Learn how to safely increase Hip flexibility to prevent hip pain and injury with various asanas.
Balancing posture workshop
Asymmetry and the lack of balance in different parts of the body creates stress and strain. Improved balance is not Only sharp physical coordination butalso balance between the left and right, front and back and high and low aspects of one’s body.
Inversion posture workshop
Surya namaskar workshop
Forward bending workshop
Backward bending workshop
Positive thinking workshop
Meditation workshop
Headstand workshop
Pranayama workshop
Vedic Chanting workshop
Yoga Sutra Chanting workshop
Ayurveda workshop
Weightloss workshop
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy : Unlocking the Hidden Vitality
It’s widely known that Yoga can enhance your physical and emotional well being, but when Yoga is practiced with a therapeutic intention in the form of Yoga Therapy, it can help prevent and aid recovery from physical and mental ailments. Yoga has long been practiced with therapeutic intentions as way of transforming both the body and the mind. According to classical texts, most of the problems in our health come from a state of ignorance of who and what we are. By offering a vehicle for self-knowledge, yoga provides an opportunity to become acquainted with our essence, in tune with the Oracle at Delphi’s command: « Know thyself. » From a psychological standpoint, therapy is defined as the possibility of accessing self-knowledge that will enable us to change that what we consider dysfunctional. A number of research studies have proven the effectiveness of Yoga Therapy as developing exactly that type of awareness.
The applications of Yoga Therapy range anywhere from maintaining health, to recovering from illness – in some cases, even those considered incurable. The first stage of healing involves the movement of vital forces in the system. Practitioners of many Eastern forms of medicine believe that every illness involves a certain level of energy blockage. By promoting the flow of prana, or vital force, yoga combats those blockages, restoring the basic condition for health. Common applications for Yoga Therapy also serve structural problems such as spine misalignments or joint function. Deeper applications may even aid more intractable problems such as AIDS and cancer. By combining different techniques such as massage, stretching or alterations of the circulatory patterns, yoga promotes specific changes in muscles, joints and organs altering the vital functions of the body. A good example would be the way Yoga Therapy can help overcome panic attacks. By practicing a balancing breathing technique, a sense of control is gained, combating the fear and anxiety produced by its loss. Additionally, by practicing Tratak, a specific technique that involves eye movement, the pituitary gland is reset via the optic nerve, influencing the ‘fight or flight’ reaction so intimately related with the syndrome.